The Lowly Negro is a written account of a poor, destitute and uneducated inner-city Black male’s life and journey in the United States of America. To sustain and survive he must weather the lows, as he weather’s the highs. As an African American he is an invisible man and believes he is the sum of his experiences. Other’s believe his existence is an illusion of rehearsed lines, walking with his eyes closed, hoping for the best. The Lowly Negro is a singular voice representing countless men and women from disenfranchised and marginalized communities. The forgotten and neglected of society who only have the written word as their protest.
“a chain is no stronger than its weakest link”- Thomas Reid. James Smith communicates the accusations, trials and convictions of being a male of color in the United States of America. The Lowly Negro is a monumental literary achievement that will find its place amongst the giants of his generation.
James Smith ‘The Lowly Negro’ is the 21st century ‘Invisible Man’ by Ralph Ellison. James Smith has written an intelligent, concise and cohesive collection of poems to depict the harsh realities of being poor, black and uneducated in the United States of America.
Incarceration, Unequal Educational System, Unemployment, High Poverty Neighborhood, Suicide, Homelessness, Dysfunctional Family, Lack of Role Models, Mental Health issues, Physical and Emotional Child Abuse, Civil Rights and the Black Lives Matter Protests. James Smith’s ‘The Lowly Negro’ is in conversation with all the issues facing black men in America.
James Smith’s ‘The Lowly Negro’ is a collection of poetry that will resonate with black men and women of all ages. This book articulates their struggles, failures, hopes and dreams of being African-American in America today.
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